Congressman Clyburn Secures Funding for the University of South Carolina

(Washington, DC)  – Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn has secured more than $2.5 million for projects at the University of South Carolina.  As part of the Energy and Water appropriations, USC will receive $2 million for its Clean Energy Research and Education Program. USC is recognized as a national leader in several research and education areas related to clean energy, including fuel cells, hybrid power system, nuclear engineering and hydrogen production.  These funds will allow for the expansion and coordination of this expertise by bringing the three Engineering Departments involved (Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical) to come under one umbrella.

Congressman Clyburn also secured $300,000 to initiate a partnership between the Library of Congress and USC to preserve the Fox Movietone Newsreels.  The Library of Congress and USC have both acquired extensive collections of these 35mm productions released in American between 1919 and 1962.  This initial funding will enable USC to inventory the Movietone treasures, which constitute 22 million feet of film and 130 filing cabinets of associated documents.  Ultimately the Newsreels will be digitally scanned and the originals restored so they will be available for future generations.

Congressman Clyburn obtained an additional $275,000 in funding for the Arnold School of Public Health to expand its efforts to address health disparities.  The Health and Human Services appropriation will continue the mission of the Institute for Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities that the Congressman helped established.

“These appropriations fund very different projects, but each one establishes the University of South Carolina’s leadership in vital arenas,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “I am confident that we will hear more about these projects in the future as USC continues to build on its reputation as an innovative and unique institution.”

These appropriations are included in the Omnibus bill that awaits the President’s signature to become law.


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