Congressmen Clyburn and Brown Host 2005 Faith & Politics Retreat at Mepkin Abbey

(Washington, DC) – Two South Carolina Congressmen, James E. Clyburn and Henry E. Brown, Jr., from opposing political parties are joining together to host a retreat for their Congressional colleagues sponsored by The Faith & Politics Institute at Mepkin Abbey in Moncks Corner, South Carolina on January 7-9.  Away from the charged atmosphere of Capitol Hill, the annual bipartisan event will allow Members of Congress and their spouses to reflect on the topic “Historical Memory & Healing” from their perspective of faith and consider implications for their leadership in the political arena and among their constituency.  The retreat will be led by Rev. Dr. Greg Jones, Dean of the Divinity School at Duke University, and Dr. Karla Holloway, Professor at Duke University.

Cistercian monks established Mepkin Abbey in 1949 on a 3,000-acre site along the Cooper River in South Carolina’s Low Country.   The property was donated to the Abbey by Henry R. Luce and the Hon. Claire Booth Luce.


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