Orangeburg-Wilkinson Student Wins Congressional Art Competition

(Washington, DC) – Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School Senior Leonard Rivers has won this year’s Sixth District Congressional Art Competition.  In addition to having his artwork displayed in the halls of the Capitol, Leonard will also receive a $5,000 renewable scholarship to the Savannah College of Art and Design.  This is the first year the scholarship is being offered to each district’s Congressional Art Competition winner.

“I am pleased that Leonard’s talent wowed the judges,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “It is fortuitous that he was already making plans to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design in the fall.  I know this scholarship will help him grow his tremendous talent.”

The winning artwork was entitled Artist at Work in South Carolina School.  It was a self-portrait of the artist done in prisma color pencil.

Congressman Clyburn has sponsored the Congressional Art Competition since 1995, and a student from Orangeburg-Wilkinson has won eleven times in that thirteen-year history.

The winning artwork from each Congressional district hangs for one year in the corridor that connects the House Office Buildings, where members of Congress have their offices, to the Capitol building.


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