Congressman Clyburn’s Reaction to Wilbur Inland Port Study

(Washington, DC) – Comment from Congressman James E. Clyburn on the Wilbur Smith Associates study on port expansion:

"I am amazed that the very first site proposed that already has millions of dollars in infrastructure funding available was not included in the study," Congressman Clyburn said.  "Somebody needs to explain why that wasn't even considered." 

Background:  Congressman Clyburn secured $10 million in the reauthorization of TEA-21 four years ago to make infrastructure improvements at the I-95/I-26 interchange.  This money could be used to create the off ramps and surface roads needed to service an inland port in this location.   

Congressman Clyburn has supported a site at this interchange since publicly calling for an inland port to supplement any Charleston area port expansion.  On March 13, 2002, Congressman Clyburn submitted testimony to the S.C. State Ports Authority board at their meeting held at South Carolina State University about considering a specific site:

"I believe this new Charleston area expansion proposal should be supplemented by a 400 to 500-acre inland port and intermodal facility at the intersection of I-95 and I-26," Congressman Clyburn testified.   "I believe the ideal site is in the SW quadrant just inside of Orangeburg County at the Dorchester County line.  The site is near U.S. Highways 178 and 78, and has access to the old Southern Railroad that runs through St. George and up to Branchville."   


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