Congressman Clyburn Welcomes Larson to the House Democratic Leadership

(Washington, DC) — House Democratic Caucus Chair James E. Clyburn (D-SC) issued the following statement following Congressman John Larson's election as Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus. 

“I welcome John to the ranks of the House Democratic Leadership.  John joins a team that is committed to working hard on behalf of hard working Americans, and I know he will be a great asset to this effort. 

“John and I share a background as high school history teachers.  The tricks of the trade we learned in the classroom aren’t far from the skills we will utilize in leading this Caucus.

“He and I have a firm belief that the strength of the Democratic Caucus lies in its diversity.  John and I have had very different life experiences, yet we share a passion for the same Democratic philosophies.  The same holds true for all the members of our Caucus, and I know working together, John and I can lead this talented group back to the majority.”



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