Congressman Clyburn to Meet with Environmental Institute’s Policy Planning Group

Congressman Funded the Institute to Study Environmental Policy at South Carolina State University

(Orangeburg, SC) – Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn will participate in a Meet & Greet on Thursday, March 23rd with members of the Environmental Policy Planning Group that will help shape the Environmental Policy Institute at South Carolina State University. The event will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Orangeburg County Development Commission, 125 Regional Parkway in Orangeburg.

Congressman Clyburn secured funding for the Environmental Policy Institute at the James E. Clyburn Transportation, Research and Conference Center at South Carolina State University. The purpose of this Institute is to develop national environmental policies that protect the environment, promote good health, enhance economic opportunities and develop sustainable communities.

“I don’t believe that effective environmental policy can be developed in a vacuum,” Congressman Clyburn said. “It is imperative that environmental concerns are addressed in a way that also protects and promotes viable, healthy communities. This Institute will develop comprehensive environmental policies that take all of these needs into account.”

The Institute grew out of a collaboration Congressman Clyburn began with the Medical University of South Carolina, South Carolina State University, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to create the National Environmental Policy Commission back in 1999 that spent several years holding listening sessions around the country and compiling a comprehensive report on environmental justice and its relationship to the well-being of low-income and minority communities.

On Thursday night, members of the Environmental Policy Planning Group will meet with the Congressman and community leaders interested in environmental policy in an informal setting. On Friday, March 24th, the group will meet to begin its work on the Environmental Policy Institute. Members of the Planning Group are attached.

Environmental Policy Planning Group
Environmental Policy Institute, South Carolina State University

Dr. Sue Briggum
Vice President of Federal Public Affairs
Waste Management, Inc.
Washington, DC

The Honorable Chris Campbell
Mayor of Eastover, SC
President of SC Black Mayors Conference
Town of Eastover
Eastover, SC

Dr. Yomi Durotoye
Associate Professor of Political Science
Senior Lecturer of International Studies
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC

Mr. Alonzo Frazier
Economic Commerce and Health Organization
Allendale, SC

Dr. Jennifer Friday
The Friday Consulting Group
Lithonia, GA

The Honorable Raul Grijalva
U.S. House of Representatives
Tucson, AZ

Mr. Robert L. Harris
Vice President, Environmental Health, Safety, & Technical Services
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
San Francisco, CA

Mrs. Geona Shaw Johnson
Interim Director of Housing & Community Development
City of Charleston
Charleston, SC

Dr. Edward Keith
Family Practice Physician
Lake Marion Primary Care
Manning, SC

Mr. Matt Kimbrough
SGA President
Student Government Association
Orangeburg, SC

Ms. Linda Lingle
Lingle Consulting
Washington, DC

Dr. Mildred McClain
Executive Director
Citizens for Environmental Justice
Savannah, GA

Dr. Lee Monroe
Voorhees College
Denmark, SC

Mr. Dean Suagee
Of Counsel
Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Walker
Washington, DC

Dr. John Vena
Professor & Chair, Department of Epidemiology
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC

Ms. Roblena Walker
Miss South Carolina State University
Orangeburg, SC

Mr. Derrick Watchman
Vice President
Native American Banking
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Phoenix, AZ



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