Congressman Clyburn to Participate in Regional E-Town Hall

(Washington, DC) – Congressman James E. Clyburn is inviting South Carolina residents to join him for a live online town hall meeting, known as an E-Town Hall, on Thursday, May 4th from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The Congressman will be participating in a regional E-Town Hall with other Democratic House members from Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. Members will answer questions submitted by residents of this region on a wide range of topics including gas prices, immigration, and the war in Iraq.

“As Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, I am encouraging my colleagues to utilize internet technology as an effective means of communicating with their constituents,” Congressman Clyburn said. “The Caucus will be holding regional town meetings throughout the month, so everyone will have a chance to participate and become more comfortable with incorporating the internet into their office’s outreach.”

Congressman Clyburn held an E-Town Hall meeting with South Carolina Sixth District constituents last month. He also led the House Democratic Caucus in a nationwide E-Town Hall at the annual Issues Conference on February 4, 2006. Both of those transcripts are available by visiting and following the links to the Online Townhall Meeting.

Questions may be submitted in advance for the May 4th E-Town Hall by visiting Congressman Clyburn’s website at, or South Carolina residents can participate live by going to his website from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on May 4th. A full transcript of the online town hall meeting will be available on Congressman Clyburn’s website at the conclusion of the meeting.

For more information, contact Hope Derrick at (803)799-1100 or (803)553-1732.


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