Congressman Clyburn Calls for Congress to Return to Implement 9/11 Commission’s Recommendations

(Washington, DC) – House Democratic Caucus Vice Chairman James E. Clyburn (D-SC) today joined with other Democratic Caucus leaders in asking the President to bring Congress back from recess to implement the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations.  After meeting with the Chairmen of the 9/11 Commission this morning, Congressman Clyburn said their sense of urgency has been ignored by the President.

“As the third anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Americans want to feel safe and secure in their homes and communities,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “Instead, this Administration issues terror alerts and takes an extended vacation.  We should be returning to Washington immediately to begin implementing the important recommendations of the 9/11 Commission rather than waiting until after Labor Day to take action to make our country safer.”

The House leadership has also refused to call Members back into session to consider the 9/11 report and has expressed doubts if there will be time left even to take up the issue this year.

“By returning to work immediately, Congress could insure that we get started on the Commission’s recommendations and hopefully get some of them implemented by 9/11,” Congressman Clyburn continued.  “The American people are seeking leadership in these difficult days, and all they are getting currently getting from Congress is political posturing.”

Congressman Clyburn noted that in his 12 years in Congress, he has never seen a government entity that has been as well respected, organized and received as this bipartisan commission.

“It is incumbent upon us to build on their laudable work and fashion an immediate bipartisan response to this report,” Congressman Clyburn concluded.  “For it to languish; for it to sit idly by while we hear and read about all these threats and not be about the business of getting the report implemented through legislation would be a tremendous disservice to the American people.”


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