

Congressman Clyburn Announces Funding for Sixth District Energy and Water Projects

(Washington, DC) – Congressman James E. Clyburn has secured more than $25 million for important infrastructure and energy projects that impact South Carolina's Sixth District. 

First, Congressman Clyburn received a $3 million appropriation for the Lake Marion Regional Water Agency.  This money is in addition to the $33 million in local, state and federal funding already allocated to the project, which is expected to break ground next year on a water treatment plant in Santee.  The agency is expected to provide potable water and sewer to counties along the I-95 corridor. 

Second, the Congressman secured $14 million for the Charleston Harbor, $3.4 million for the Georgetown Harbor, and $3.3 million for the Cooper River for operations and maintenance.  These funds are appropriated through the Army Corps of Engineers. 

Third, Congressman Clyburn secured $1.5 million for the Savannah River Technology Center's Southeast Universities Research Reactor Project.  Through this unique partnership among Westinghouse Savannah River Site, the University of South Carolina and South Carolina State University, South Carolina is leading the way in the rejuvenation of nuclear education in the United States by creating the first new University nuclear programs in the last twenty years.  These new nuclear programs will conduct nuclear research using a research reactor conveniently located at the Savannah River Site. 

These projects are in addition to the previously announced $2 million for the University of South Carolina's Clean Energy Research and Education program and the $6 million secured for Sixth District Historically Black Colleges and Universities to increase the number of minority graduates in science and technology related fields. 

 "These projects range from providing for the basic needs of Sixth Congressional District residents to improving economic engines for our state and enhancing cutting-edge scientific education and research at our colleges and universities," Congressman Clyburn said.  "By looking at these appropriations you can see the contrast of the extreme challenges and the amazing accomplishments of the region of South Carolina I represent."

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