Congressional Black Caucus Environmental Justice Braintrust to Reflect on Hurricane Katrina, Lead Poisoning, and New Fuel Technologies for the Future

(Washington, DC) – For the seventh consecutive year, Congressman James E. Clyburn (SC-6) will chair the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Environmental Justice Braintrust at the CBC Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference.  This year, Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (FL-23) will join Congressman Clyburn as co-chair, and Congressman Bennie G. Thompson (MS-2) will speak about Hurricane Katrina.  The Braintrust is scheduled for Friday, September 23, 2005, from 9:45 a.m.-12:00 noon in Room 143-B of the Washington Convention Center.

This Braintrust session will start with a legislative update on current environmental justice initiatives in Congress and a discussion of Hurricane Katrina and the damaging and ongoing effects on the environment.  Next, a representative from ClearCORPS USA will speak about the problem of lead poisoning that plagues our nation, particularly our children, and show a special presentation from a professional troupe performance of the nationally acclaimed “Jimmy’s Getting Better.”  Finally, we will look at new and alternative fuel sources for the future in order to reduce our reliance on foreign fossil fuel.

“The environmental factors that exist in greater concentration around low-income and minority communities remain a source of concern without simple answers,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “Hurricane Katrina sadly epitomizes this unfortunate trend.  How these environmental factors impact our health and what can be done to minimize those impacts warrants the development of comprehensive policies that address both concerns.”

The purpose of the ongoing Environmental Justice Braintrust is to identify environmental issues and to recommend strategies that will assist policy makers in the development of a forward-thinking, comprehensive environmental policy that recognizes and fosters the unique relationship between environmental protection, human health, environmental justice and economic development.

 Environmental Justice Braintrust Agenda:

Opening Remarks from Congressman James E. Clyburn, (SC-6)

Legislative Update from Congressman Alcee L. Hastings, (FL-23)

Hurricane Katrina Update from Congressman Bennie Thompson, (MS-2)

View professional performance of nationally acclaimed “Jimmy’s Getting Better” – a look at living with lead poisoning, Dr. Larry A. Jones, ClearCORPS USA

Panel discussion on alternative fuel sources and technologies for the future

Stephen G. Chalk
U.S. Department of Energy

Dr. Jim Spearot
General Motors Research & Development

Dr. Georges Benjamin
American Public Health Association

Dr. G. Todd Wright
Savannah River National Laboratory


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