Congressman Clyburn Hosts I-95 Corridor Health Fair in Shiloh

(Columbia, SC) – Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn will be hosting an I-95 Corridor Health Fair in the Sumter County community of Shiloh on Monday, September 26th to help address the chronic health conditions that plague the I-95 corridor.  This second in a series of I-95 health fairs will be accessible to residents of Sumter, Clarendon, Lee, Williamsburg and Florence counties because of its proximity to I-95 at exit 141.  The health fair will take place at the Shiloh Community Center on 475 Pudding Swamp Road from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  It is free and open to the public.

“This event is an opportunity to increase awareness regarding early detection and the warning signs of conditions like prostate cancer and diabetes,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “We can begin improving conditions one person at a time through events like this health fair that is part of my ongoing effort to turn this ‘Corridor of Shame’ into a ‘Gateway to Fame.'”

The National Kidney Foundation will be on hand to perform testing for kidney disease, prostate cancer and cholesterol.  Congressman Clyburn urges those who have diabetes, high blood pressure, and/or family members with these chronic conditions to come to the day-long health fair for screening.  There is no cost for any of the services provided.

Participants will also receive valuable educational materials and can learn more about upcoming changes to Medicare from a variety of health care professionals during the health fair.

To pre-register for the I-95 Corridor Health Fair or for further information, please call 1-888-546-0006.


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