Clyburn Statement on the Celebration of John Paul II’s Life

(Washington, DC) – House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair James E. Clyburn, who leads the Democrats Faith Working Group today issued the following statement on the occasion of Pope John Paul II's funeral.

"In the Southern tradition, I join in the worldwide celebration of Pope John Paul II's homegoing.  Today is not a day to mourn his passing, but to rejoice in the extraordinary life of the Holy Father. 

"He was a leader of the faithful, whose compassion and counsel reached well beyond his faith.  He was a champion of the biblical dictate to raise up the least among us, and not a corner of the world was left untouched by his devotion to the poor, the lame and the downtrodden.  He was a promoter of peace in this age of conflict and combat. 

"The Book of Matthew extols that 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.'  Karol Wojtyla's ascendancy as perhaps the most influential religious leader of our time is truly the embodiment of Matthew's teaching, and evidence that the Creator had chosen this Polish commoner for a blessed mission. Pope John Paul II devoted himself to the sacred mission bestowed upon him, and he is now enjoying his well-earned reward."  

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