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Clyburn Statement on President’s Remarks on Economy

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s comments today after the Friday night decision by credit rating agency Standard and Poor’s to downgrade the U.S. debt rating from AAA to AA+:

“I agree with President Obama that Congress needs to work together across party lines to support policies that will create jobs, grow the economy and provide opportunities for working people while we put in place a common sense plan to get our nation's books in order.  That will restore confidence and provide opportunity for our working families.

“As I talk to people across South Carolina, they tell me they want Washington to stop the political games that put partisanship and ideology above what’s right for America. 

“In the coming weeks and months, we need to work together to take a balanced approach to achieve our debt reduction goals with shared sacrifice and honorable compromise for the common good.” 


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