Clyburn Statement On Appointment To Joint Select Committee On Defict Reduction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn released the following statement about today’s appointment to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:

“I want to thank Leader Pelosi for the appointment to this important panel, which I accept on behalf of our Democratic Caucus and the American people.

“Too often, the human side gets lost in the Washington debates about our nation's debt and deficits.  I will seek to keep those interests on the table.

“Later this month, we will unveil the memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  In 1963, Dr. King expressed disbelief that the vault of opportunity in this great country was empty.  Yet in 2011, the gap continues to grow wider between those who enjoy great wealth and those who struggle to get by with little thought of ever getting ahead.

“I look forward to working on this committee to seek solutions to secure our nation's financial future in a fair and balanced way that requires shared sacrifice and creates opportunity for all Americans.” 


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