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Clyburn Statement on Black History Month

WASHINGTON, DC-House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn today issued the following statement in commemoration of Black History Month:

"During the month of February we acknowledge the rich history and accomplishments of people of African descent everywhere. Black history is American history. Since our country's inception, African Americans have played a vital role in the cultural, political and social fabric of our nation. There is not a corner of our society that has not benefited from the contributions of African Americans.  But those contributions and achievements often came with great sacrifice, and in all too many instances went unrecorded, so this month we honor those who paved the road before us-it is their shoulders that we stand upon as we strive to create a more perfect union."

Recently, Congressman Clyburn was interviewed by Gannett News for their online civil rights project. To watch the interview, follow the link below:

Congressman Clyburn on Charlie Rose discussing the Civil Rights Movement.

Click here to view Part 1 of the discussion.

Click here to view Part 2 of the discussion.



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