Clyburn Signs Amicus Brief Urging Supreme Court To Uphold The Universal Service Fund

21 Senators and 8 Representatives Call on Supreme Court to Uphold the Universal Service Fund, Ensure Rural and Underserved Areas Have Access to Broadband

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman James E. Clyburn (SC-06) released the following statement on signing an Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court in support of upholding the Universal Service Fund (USF), a critical federal program that has reliably supported broadband access in the most rural and underserved areas of the country for nearly 30 years. Despite decades of precedent, the Supreme Court’s case, Consumers’ Research v. FCC,  claims the current funding mechanism for USF is unconstitutional. The court’s ruling can determine whether some of our country’s most underserved areas are potentially cut off from broadband service.

“It cannot be understated how impactful the Universal Service Fund has been to expanding broadband to rural communities across the country,” said Congressman James E. Clyburn. “Congress has already instituted the proper guidelines to ensure USF revenue streams are sustainable. We have an obligation to strengthen these programs and do all we can to close the digital-divide in every community.”

In the amicus brief, Members argue that Congress has established sufficient universal service policy and principles to direct the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) implementation of the Universal Service programs and contribution mechanism. The Members also argue that Congress exercises significant oversight of the FCC’s implementation of USF, and the work performed by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) does not undermine political accountability. The Members state that dismantling USF would have dire consequences for millions of Americans, impeding efforts to close the digital divide. 

A copy of the amicus brief is available here.


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