Pelosi Names James E. Clyburn to Lead Faith Working Group

(Washington, DC) – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today announced that she has named Democratic Caucus Vice-Chair James E. Clyburn of South Carolina to lead the House Democrats’ Faith Working Group.

“Jim Clyburn is a man of deep faith and profound moral courage,” Pelosi said.  “He applies his faith every day in the values he brings to his work in Congress.  With his leadership, the Faith Working Group will grow both as a source of strength for our Members and as an avenue to reach out to people of faith across the country.”

Clyburn today led a discussion on communicating faith and values at the Democratic Caucus’ 2005 Issues Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia.

“The Democratic agenda is deeply rooted in faith, but we have been less effective than we could be in communicating how our moral values guide our policies,” Clyburn said.  “I look forward to leading House Democrats’ efforts to more effectively communicate our Democratic values, which are fundamentally American values.”

The Faith Working Group provides Members of strong and authentic faith with a venue to share their values and to collaborate with other people of faith on issues of mutual concern.  The Group works with faith communities on common values such as fighting poverty, improving schools, speaking out against materialism and greed, providing better housing, and fighting for social and economic justice.


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