Congressman Clyburn to Hold Town Meetings on the I-95 Corridor’s Future

(Columbia, SC) – Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn will be having two town meetings in March to discuss the future of the I-95 corridor and its impact on the Sixth Congressional District.

The first will be Monday, March 15th at 6:00 p.m. in Timmonsville at the Timmonsville Education Center (TEC Center) at 304 Kemper Street.  The second will be Monday, March 22nd at 6:00 p.m. in Summerton at Clarendon School District 1’s Cultural Arts Center at 12 S. Church Street. Both meetings are open to the public.

The I-95 corridor through South Carolina is one of the most heavily trafficked highways in the Southeast and serves about 34,000 vehicles daily. It is a 200-mile lifeline for the tourism industry and a vital connector for thousands of Sixth District residents, especially those in rural counties.

While manufacturing and agricultural industries have seen economic declines in recent years, especially in textiles and tobacco, South Carolina’s tourism industry is flourishing. I-95 serves residents from the Northeast in bringing them to all the major direct routes to the state’s beaches and as a thoroughfare to Georgia and Florida. Although much of the tourism development has been along the coast, much of the area along I-95, especially in the Lake Marion vicinity, remains underutilized by visitors despite its historical treasures and recreational opportunities.

The I-95 corridor has also been neglected in developing the same industrial influence from which the upstate’s I-85 corridor has prospered. Expanding and efficiently using the corridor’s transportation infrastructure are important goals in fostering sustainable economic development.

Congressman Clyburn is requesting that area residents attend this town hall meeting to discuss his vision for the I-95 corridor’s successful future and share with him their thoughts and concerns. For further information regarding this event, please feel free to contact Congressman Clyburn’s Columbia office at (803) 799-1100 or Florence office at (843)662-1212.


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