COLUMBIA, S.C. – Congressman James E. Clyburn secured nearly $28 million in funding for nine projects in South Carolina’s 6th Congressional District as part of the 2023 fiscal year minibus appropriations bill passed by the House today. The Community Project Funding (CPF) allocations were requested by local entities to address community needs. 

“Throughout my service in Congress, I have fought to ensure the federal government invests in all communities, especially those that have been historically neglected, and to guarantee America’s greatness is accessible and affordable for all,” said Congressman Clyburn. “I am pleased to see that nine of my community project requests were funded through this legislation. I look forward to working with my colleagues to continue the fight to provide essential support to the communities we serve.”

Congressman Clyburn secured funding for these community supported projects in the appropriation minibus legislation:





Funding Received

Orangeburg Railroad Corner Project

City of

Rehabilitation of the historic State Theater on 
Boulevard Street near downtown Orangeburg. The rehabilitated facility will 
house a Civil Rights museum that will serve as a centerpiece of Orangeburg's Railroad Corner Redevelopment.

979 Middleton Street
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29116


South Carolina State University ROTC Training Center

South Carolina
State University

Construction of a modern 35,000 sqft. ROTC Multipurpose Complex on campus to provide training and academic space for ROTC Cadets. The facility will house classrooms, training rooms, living quarters, multi-purpose spaces and administrative spaces.

300 College
Street NE
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117


Lakes Marion and Moultrie, SC, Sec 219(f)(25) WRDA 1992 (P.L. 102 – 580), as amended by Sec 502 WRDA 1999 (P.L. 106 – 53), Appendix D, Division B, Sec

US Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District

Water infrastructure project for the Orangeburg-Berkeley Reach, which would provide water to the U.S. Highway 176 corridor in Orangeburg County and Berkeley County in the Camp Hall area.

69A Hagood Ave Charleston, SC 29403


USC Civil
Rights Center

University of
South Carolina

Planning, design, and execution of sitework and utility infrastructure phase of a construction project to house the University’s Center for Civil Rights History and Research. This Center will chronicle, preserve, and share the contributions of South Carolina to the American Civil Rights Movement.

915 Bull Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29208


Benedict College Academic Center

Benedict College

Construction of the Benedict College Music Academic Complex to expand Benedict College offerings and host local, regional and national music events

1600 Harden Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29204


Hampton County Recreation Complex

Hampton County

Construction of a comprehensive recreational complex to improve the health and social well-being of Hampton County citizens.

200 Jackson Avenue East,
Hampton, South Carolina 29924


YMCA Facility

Beaufort-Jasper YMCA of the Lowcountry

Expansion of the YMCA recreational facility in Jasper County to provide recreational activities and other critical services to low-income families that reside in Jasper County.

1801 Richmond Avenue
Port Royal, South Carolina 29935


Haven at
Palmer Pointe

Columbia Housing Authority

Close the funding gap on an affordable housing development project in Columbia, S.C

Columbia, South Carolina 29204


Alex Chatman Judicial Complex-Auditorium

Williamsburg County

Renovation of the Alex Chatman Judicial Complex-Auditorium to bring it up to compliance with building and fire codes to allow the facility to remain open to serve the public for community events and judicial matters.

201 W. Main Street
Kingstree, South Carolina 29556








In addition to securing funding for these community projects, there are other priorities championed by Congressman Clyburn included in the minibus package:

  • $5.385 million for the African American Civil Rights Network, of which $3.4 million is to support the Center for Civil Rights History and Research at the University of South Carolina, and an additional $26.750 million for historic preservation of sites and stories related to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • $33 million for the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission to promote economic development in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
  • $560 million to expand high-speed broadband service and improve education and telehealth. This includes an additional $450 million for the ReConnect program, which has already helped more than 297,000 households get connected. These funds are in addition to the $65 billion for affordable, high-speed broadband service included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • $20 million for legal assistance for tenants facing eviction, which is modeled after legislation Congressman Clyburn introduced in 2020.
  •  $11.5 million for the Rural Energy Savings Program, an initiative originally introduced by Congressman Clyburn in 2010 for energy efficiency improvements in rural areas.
  • $10 million for HBCU Historic Preservation, the full amount of funds authorized at Congressman Clyburn request, which was included in the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act in 2019. Grantees are not required to provide matching funds.
  • $5 million for South Carolina HBCUs to support the pit production mission at the Savannah River Site.
  • Nearly $1.6 billion for the Savannah River Site, including full funding for Payment in Lieu of Taxes to provide critical funding for schools, emergency services, and county operations in Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell counties. 
  • Language throughout the bill and committee reports directing departments and agencies to target spending in certain programs to persistent poverty communities through Congressman Clyburn’s “10-20-30” formula and other mechanisms, including language directing the Office of Management and Budget to take steps to target funding to these areas in programs across the federal government.

This appropriations package includes six of the 12 fiscal year 2023 funding bills—Interior, and Environment; Energy and Water Development; Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration; Financial Services and General Government; Military Construction and Veterans Affairs; and Transportation and Housing and Urban Development.

This package contains $1.5 trillion in federal spending on priorities important to the American people including expanding opportunities for all by creating jobs and protecting families’ health and safety. Among its provisions, the minibus ensures food safety and security for American families; expands their access to safe, affordable housing; supports small business growth; closes economic disparities that disproportionately impact low-income and families of color; invests in our economic foundation b


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