Congressman Clyburn Receives Omega’s Lifetime Achievement Award

(Little Rock, AK)  — Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at its 74th Grand Conclave in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Congressman Clyburn pledged the Omegas as a student at South Carolina State College, became a full member in 1967, and has remained active with the organization.

“I am humbled and honored by this award,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “It is wonderful to be recognized by this brotherhood of men that I respect and admire.  I will continue to work hard to prove my worthiness of this recognition.”

George Grace, the Omegas’ 37th International Grand Basileus, wrote to Congressman Clyburn to inform him of his selection for the Lifetime Achievement Award.  In his letter, Mr. Grace commended the Congressman for his service in the U.S. Congress.

“Your recent elevation to the third-ranking Democratic representative for this 109th Congress is indeed impressive,” Mr. Grace wrote.  “We applaud your commitment of being an ‘unashamed advocate of your constituents,’ a theme that has resonated through the State of South Carolina and to the thousands of lives of the people you influence across the United States.

“In addition to your professional accomplishments, we respect and admire your dedication to family, community, charitable and civic organizations,” Mr. Grace continued.  “Your generosity of time and talent to help inspire and motivate others, especially children, has helped to establish you as a living legacy.”

The award was presented last night at the Omega Psi Phi Founder’s Banquet.


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