Congressman Clyburn Nominates Sumter Student to the U.S. Naval Academy

(Washington, DC) – South Carolina Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn is pleased to announce he has recommended a high school senior from Sumter for appointment to one of the U.S. military academies.

Congressman Clyburn nominated Roger William Long, Jr., of Sumter to the U.S. Naval Academy. He is the son of Roger and Patti Long, and is a student at St. Francis Xavier High School.

“I’m proud to have nominated this outstanding student for his potential to lead other proud men and women in uniform as he serves his country,” Congressman Clyburn said. “Roger has demonstrated his ability to be successful at this challenging institution and as a member of the United States Navy.”

Congressman Clyburn’s recommendation doesn’t guarantee acceptance to the U.S. Naval Academy, as it has its own admissions board to review applications and take into consider such recommendations.


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