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Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman James E. Clyburn (SC-06) joined Congressional Leadership and other Members of Congress to participate in a Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring the life and legacy of South Carolina son and Baseball Hall of Famer Larry Doby.  Below are the Congressman’s remarks.

Remarks as delivered

“Mr. Speaker, Mr. Leader of the Senate, House, my colleagues. Let me begin by thanking Larry Doby, Jr. for being here today and thanking all of my colleagues for leading this effort to ensure that Larry Doby’s story continues to be told.

“Growing up in South Carolina, Larry Doby — got to get the record right — was an inspiration for all of us. A native of Camden, South Carolina, Larry attended my high school, Mather Academy. He moved to New Jersey when he was 15 years old. I got to believe that all of the fundamentals were in place by the time he left Camden.

“I played baseball in high school and college, and We had so much pride in knowing that one of us had made it, even before a World Series championship in 1948.

“So, I’m pleased that we are gathered here today to celebrate this pioneer and recognize how his contributions paved the way for many more to follow in his footsteps.

“Standing outside of the Camden Museum and Archives is a statue modeled after Larry and Bernard Baruch. As the first African American player in the American League, he faced his share of harassment by fans and players alike. While traveling with the team, he had to stay in separate hotels and eat at separate restaurants. Even some of his teammates were slow to welcome him.

“But that did not deter Larry. He was well rooted in those first 15 years. He reconciled all that and he endured and continued to put his best foot forward, becoming an incredible baseball player and the second African American team manager.

“It’s fitting that this statue I just spoke of in Camden is called ‘Reconciliation,’ because Larry Doby showed us the path to reconciliation through the sacrifices he made in his life.

“Larry followed Jackie Robinson to the majors by three months, and, being second rather than first, did not receive the same attention and fanfare. But this much is true: When the time came for Larry Doby to step up to the plate and do something memorable, he knocked it out of the park and became the first African American to hit a home run in a World Series game. Today, thanks in part to his sacrifices, countless players follow in his footsteps.”



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