Congressman Clyburn Announces South Carolina Appropriations in the Science, State, Justice and Commerce Bill

(Washington, DC) – Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn today announced the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the conference report on the Science, State, Justice and Commerce appropriations bill that contains $1.7 million for South Carolina projects.

Congressman Clyburn, the only member of the South Carolina delegation on the Appropriations Committee, secured funding for the following projects:




Claflin University

Forensic DNA Lab


Richland School District One

Challenger Learning Center for Space Education


Florence Crittendon of Charleston

Programs for at risk teens


Darkness to Light in Charleston

Sexual abuse prevention program


Milton Eisenhower Foundation

Youth mentoring for at risk youth


City of Columbia

Gang Intervention/Methamphetamine Initiative


Sumter County Sheriff’s Office

Law enforcement technology


Colleton County Sheriff’s Office

Law enforcement technology


Williamsburg Technical College

Law enforcement training


Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office

Methamphetamine abuse program


Town of Santee Police Dept.

Methamphetamine abuse program


“This federal money will be well spent on programs and projects that will protect our communities and our most vulnerable citizens,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “I am very supportive of these efforts and was proud to support their funding requests.

The bill awaits passage by the Senate and the President’s signature before becoming law.


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