Congressman Clyburn Announces Funding for SC Energy and Water Projects

(Washington, DC) – The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Energy and Water Appropriations bill that contained more than $1 billion secured by Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn for South Carolina projects.  This Fiscal Year 2007 funding includes a nearly $1.2 billion appropriation for the Savannah River Site.

“I am pleased to be in a position in Congress to bring much needed federal funds back to South Carolina,” said Congressman Clyburn.  “The energy and water projects funded help meet basic infrastructure needs and provide resources to help our state develop innovative technology for the future.”

Project Appropriation Project Description

Lake Marion Regional Water Agency

$7 million

This project will continue the development of the water agency.

Lynches River/Lake City, SC


This project will allow for the planning necessary to clean out a health hazard caused by frequent flooding in the Lake City region of South Carolina.

Pocotaligo Swamp


The Pocotaligo Swamp Restoration Project will allow for the clearing and snagging of approximately thirty miles of old steam channels within the swamp, which will improve the water flow and water quality throughout the swamp.

Biomass Research at

Claflin University


Biomass Research project will study plant matter (trees, grass, agricultural crops and other biomatter) and how it can be converted into alternative fuel.

Biomass Research at

Francis Marion University


Biomass Research project will study plant matter (trees, grass, agricultural crops and other biomatter) and how it can be converted into alternative fuel.

Claflin University


National Nuclear Security Administration funding for math and science research.

Allen University


National Nuclear Security Administration funding for math and science research.

Voorhees College


National Nuclear Security Administration funding for math and science research.

South Carolina State University


National Nuclear Security Administration funding for math and science research.

Denmark Technical College


National Nuclear Security Administration funding for math and science research.

Savannah River Site


Energy and Water funds will support the needs of the Savannah River National Laboratory’s Hydrogen Production Demonstration Project and the ability of Savannah River to dispose of existing liquid waste in the facility.

Congressman Clyburn is the only member of the South Carolina Congressional delegation that sits on the Appropriations committee.  This legislation must still pass the U.S. Senate before it becomes law.


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