Congressman Clyburn Announces Braintrust Unveiling of Television Dialogue on Environmental Justice

(Washington, DC) – Congressman James E. Clyburn (SC-6) is pleased to announce the Environmental Justice Braintrust of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) will meet during the CBC Annual Legislative Conference on Thursday, September 9, in Room 209A of the Washington Convention Center.  The Braintrust will conduct a policy and public participation session from 4:00 p.m. – 5:50 p.m.

At the meeting, the National Environmental Policy Commission (NEPC) will unveil a new made for television dialogue on environmental justice.

“This is the most comprehensive discussion I have seen on the environmental justice challenges that are facing this country,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “This Braintrust is committed to finding a balance between protecting the environment and building sustainable communities.  The dialogue brings this issue into focus.”

The NEPC Commission was formed in coordination with the EJ Braintrust.  The purpose of the EJ Braintrust is to identify environmental issues and to recommend strategies that will assist policy makers in the development of a forward-thinking, comprehensive environmental policy that recognizes and fosters the unique relationship between environmental protection, human health, environmental justice and economic development.

The Commission is comprised of a broad range of stakeholders (see attached list) including representatives from business and industry, health organizations, academia, environmental justice communities as well as tribal, state and local governments.  To accomplish its mission, the

Commission conducted a series of Listening Sessions throughout the country over the last three years.  Those policy recommendations were unveiled in a printed document at last year’s CBC ALC.

National Environmental Policy Commission Members

Mr. Luis Alvarez


LA & Associates

120 West 97th Street, Apartment 9J

New York, NY10025

Dr. Sue Briggum

Director of Environmental Affairs

Waste Management, Inc.

601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,

Washington, DC20004

Dr. Jennifer C. Friday

Senior Research Scientist

The MayaTech Corporation

2751 Buford Highway, NE
Suite 202

Atlanta, GA30324

Mr. Robert L. Harris

Vice President, Environmental Affairs

Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

Mail Code B32, PO Box770000

San Francisco, CA94177

The Honorable Gary Loster


World Conference of Mayors

2505 Van Etten Street

Saginaw, MI48601

Dr. Mildred McClain

Executive Director

Citizens for Environmental Justice

1115 Habersham Street

Savannah, GA31401

Mr. Richard Moore

Executive Director

Southwest Network for Environmental and

Economic Justice

PO Box7399

Albuquerque, NM87194

Dr. Marlon Priest

Professor, Emergency Medicine
Scholor, LisdenHillCenterfor Health Policy

Universityof Alabamaat BirminghamSchool

of Medicine

N 266 JeffersonTower
619 19th Street, South

Birmingham, AL35249-6505

Mr. Gerald Prout

FMC Corporation

1667 K Street, NW #460

Washington, DC20006

Dr. LaVerne E. Ragster

Senior President and Provost

University of the Virgin Islands

No. 2 JohnBrewersBay

St. Thomas, VI 00802

Mr. Dean Suagee

Of Counsel

Hobbs, Straus, Dean and Walker
2120 L Street, NW

Washington, DC20037

Mr. Derrick Watchman


Watchman & Associates

PO Box4169

Window Rock, AZ86515

Ms. Patricia Wood

Manager of Regulatory Affairs

Georgia-Pacific Corporation

1120 G Street, NW
Suite 1050

Washington, DC20005


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