Congressman Clyburn Announces $1.65 Million in HBCU Grants for Sixth District Colleges

(Washington, DC) – Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn today announced Allen University and Benedict College in Columbia and Claflin University in Orangeburg have been awarded federal grants through the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Each of these institutions will receive a $550,000 grant to help address community development needs in their local area.  The grants can be used for projects such as neighborhood revitalization, housing and economic development principally in communities with low- and moderate-income residents.

“Historically Black Colleges and Universities are extraordinary catalysts for change in their communities,” Congressman Clyburn said.  “These grants provide the resources to help the HBCUs promote positive development in the neighborhoods surrounding their campuses.”

The grants are awarded through HUD’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program


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