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Clyburn Statement on the President’s FY ’12 Budget

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn today released the following statement on President Obama’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2012. The release of the president’s budget coincides with debate in the House on legislation funding the government for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011 under a continuing resolution.

“President Obama’s budget reflects the stark realities before this nation—we’re beginning to recover from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and this budget makes the targeted investments necessary to build upon the 11 months of economic growth put in place by this president and the last Congress. However, it also begins to put our fiscal house in order, by tightening our belt and reducing the deficit by $1.1 trillion. I believe this budget has a positive vision for the future, and puts our country back on a responsible fiscal path that focuses on living within our means.

“House Republicans by contrast have put forward a budget for the remainder of this fiscal year that reaches back to the failed policies of the Bush administration, and would return our fragile economy to recession. Instead of a forward-thinking plan that puts America in position to out-educate, out-innovate and out-build our competitors in a global economy, it indiscriminately slashes certain programs to the bone, almost to score rhetorical political points. It hits the people who are struggling the most—students, seniors, veterans and the middle class.

“I look forward to the debate ahead over budgeting priorities. Democrats will continue to measure each proposal on whether it strengthens the middle class, creates jobs and reduces debt.”



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