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Clyburn Statement on Latest Republican Proposal to End Medicare, Kill Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn today commented on the House Republican Majority’s latest extreme budget proposal.

“As we approach the 200-day mark of the Republican Majority in the House, instead of offering thoughtful legislation to create jobs and grow the economy, Republican leaders have brought to the floor another extreme budget proposal.

“Back home in South Carolina and across the country, folks are hurting.  They are worried about their personal finances and their ability to find or keep a job.  They are worried about sending their children to college, paying their home mortgages, and caring for older family members.  Congress should pass investments in infrastructure, innovation, and education to create jobs and grow the economy, but this legislation will kill 700,000 jobs and throw the economy back into recession.

“I oppose this so-called ‘cut, cap and balance’ bill because it will cut Medicare, cap Social Security and balance the budget on the backs of Medicaid recipients and middle-income families while protecting fat cats, big oil loopholes, and subsidies for corporations that ship American jobs overseas.


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