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Clyburn Statement on LAC Report on SCSU Transportation Center

(Columbia, SC) – Sixth District Congressman and House Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn today issued the following statement on the South Carolina Legislative Audit Council’s report regarding alleged "missing funds" at the South Carolina State University’s Transportation Center.

“This report vindicates what I have been saying all along about the Transportation Center funding.  No federal funds are missing.  They are sitting safely at the National Highway Trust Fund waiting to be drawn down after approved expenditures are made by the university as mandated by this cost-reimbursement contract award. 

“While this project may have challenges, the biggest obstacle comes from those who sought to manufacture this controversy and delay the university’s efforts for their own agenda.  I continue to support this project and will do everything I can to see that it is completed.  This project began as an opportunity for South Carolina State to have a unique mission to help train a diverse workforce for our state and nation’s transportation needs well into the future.  That is still an important goal, and one I am pleased to support.”


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