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Clyburn Statement on Introduction of the Stop the Tax Hike on Charities and Places of Worship Act

WASHINGTON, D.C.– U.S. House Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn (SC) released the following statement today after introducing the “Stop the Tax Hike on Charities and Places of Worship Act".

The“Stop the Tax Hike on Charities and Places of Worship Act” will repeal the provision of the Republican Tax Scam which applied a 21 percent tax on nonprofit entities that provide their employees “fringe benefits.”

“The GOP Tax Scam gave more than a trillion dollars in tax breaks to corporations and the ultra-rich on the backs of America’s working families.  It is making healthcare more expensive, encouraging companies to ship jobs overseas and threatening the future of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. 

“Republicans appallingly taxed places of worship and nonprofit organizations to help pay for their massive giveaway to large corporations and wealthy individuals.  I am pleased to introduce legislation today to repeal the new 21 percent tax on nonprofits.

“Just as our country’s history is steeped in volunteerism and philanthropy to aid the less fortunate, so too is our tax code.  Congress should not force nonprofit organizations to foot the bill for their massive corporate giveaway.  I hope every Member of Congress from both sides of the aisle will join me in correcting this egregious new policy.”

Click HERE for bill text. 


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