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Clyburn Statement On House Republican Budget Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn delivered the following statement during House consideration of the Republican budget resolution. 

“I rise in opposition to this misguided Republican budget because it fails the moral test.  The federal budget should reflect the values of the American people, and this Republican proposal does damage to those values because it is fundamentally unfair to the middle-income, to the hardworking people of America, and to the most vulnerable among us. 

“This Republican budget would end the Medicare guarantee that working people depend upon after a lifetime of hard work.  The Republican budget creates new tax breaks of up to $394,000 for the wealthiest few. This Republican budget destroys 4.1 million jobs.  The Republican budget breaks faith with the agreement their leaders made in last year’s Budget Control Act to maintain funding for essential services.  And this Republican budget protects all Pentagon funds while putting schools, roads, and job creation on the chopping block.

“The American people have spoken loud and clear in opposition to these misguided priorities.  I urge the House to pass fair and balanced legislation to reduce our deficits in a responsible and surgical manner and invest in important priorities to build a strong middle class.  Growing up in a church parsonage in South Carolina, I learned to put faith into action through firmly held values and high moral standards. This Republican budget fails the moral test, and I urge my colleagues to join me in defeating it.”


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