Clyburn Statement on “Gang of Six” Plan

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn today released the following statement on the deficit reduction plan proposed by a bipartisan group of senators:

“This is a serious proposal, and I commend the participants for working together on a bipartisan, comprehensive and balanced plan to reduce our budget deficits and put our nation’s fiscal house in order.  The framework of the plan is a good one.  I am encouraged by what I have seen in the proposal to safeguard essential services for our most vulnerable citizens, and I am pleased the framework includes a commitment to a progressive tax code.  It is a positive sign that the plan includes shared sacrifice, which is essential for any measure of this magnitude to pass Congress and be signed into law by the President."

"The devil is always in the details.  I am hopeful that we are on a path to a final bill, but I need to see the details of this proposal before I can offer my support.  I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to address these fundamental challenges and do what is right for the American people.”


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