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Clyburn Statement in Today’s Budget Votes in the Senate

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn released the following statement after two budget bills to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year—a House-passed bill and a Senate Democratic sponsored bill—both failed in the Senate today.

“Although we all knew what the outcome would be, today’s votes in the Senate on two packages to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year provided closure to anyone in doubt—the House Republicans’ ‘So be it’ job-cutting budget package doesn’t work for the American people.  It’s time for Republicans to present a Plan B.

“Democrats have demonstrated we are ready to make tough decisions to start getting our fiscal house in order, but we’re not willing to do so at the expense of the most vulnerable, working families, veterans or seniors.  Nor are we willing to risk job creation and economic growth.  Democrats have reached out more than half way with $51 billion in budget cuts.  I hope the Republicans’ first step toward compromise comes soon.  The stakes are very high, and the American people are clear, they don’t want a government shutdown.”


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