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Clyburn Statement After Democratic Caucus Meeting on Budget Negotiations

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn joined the Democratic Leadership at a press conference to discuss this morning’s Democratic Caucus meeting.  Following are excerpts of his remarks.

“There’s a thought that … I first heard it annunciated by then-Vice President Hubert Humphrey, when he said that our nation is judged by how well we protect those who are living in the twilight of their years, our seniors, and how we treat those who are in the dawning of their lives, our children.  And I think that what Democrats have done in these negotiations is to make sure that as we solidify this countrypc … that we also protect those men and women who have given so much to bring us to where we are, and make sure that they have some dignity as they live out their lives, with the assistance of Medicare, Medicaid, as well as their children and grandchildren, who must have opportunities to have a good life in this great country of ours.

“That’s been the hallmark of our negotiations, and I’m very proud of the fact that we’ve stayed [at] the table as we still are trying to seek a resolution to a very important matter, but doing it in such a way that our children and our grandchildren will be proud and we do justice to the legacy of those who brought us to this point.”


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