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Clyburn Reacts to the House Passage of Health Care Reform

(Washington, DC) – The U.S. House of Representatives last night passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act by a vote of 220-215.  Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn was responsible for “whipping” the vote in his role as House Majority Whip.  He made the following statement following the bill’s passage:

"This is an historic day for the American people.  The House has taken the first giant step toward providing quality, affordable health care for nearly every American.

"We worked hard to craft a bill that offers security and stability to all Americans, reduces costs, improves coverage and preserves our choice of doctors, hospitals and health plans. The Affordable Health Care for America Act accomplishes those goals.

"It took us more than 60 years to come this close to providing access to quality health care for all Americans, but we still have a ways to go. We cannot let this opportunity pass without enacting true reform."


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