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Clyburn Floor Statement On Patients’ Rights Repeal Vote

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn delivered the following statement on the House floor today.

“I rise today in opposition to this partisan charade to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 

“This is the 31st time the Republican Majority has orchestrated a vote to repeal, in whole or in part, this very important and long-awaited law to increase accessibility and decrease the cost of quality health care for all Americans.  Fortunately, the other body rejected this ill-fated effort the first 30 times, and this 31st time will be no different.  Why, then, are we having this debate? 

“Do my Republican colleagues really believe that a majority of the other Body is now ready to take from children born with diabetes the right to have health care coverage under their parents’ health care policies?  Do my Republican colleagues really believe that a majority of the other body is now ready to take from children who are seeking employment the right to remain on their parents’ health care policies up to their 26th birthday?  Do my Republican colleagues really believe that a majority of the other Body is now ready to take from women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer the
ability to keep their coverage when they get sick?  Are these the things Speaker wants to rip out at their roots? 

“The American people are smarter than that.  They know the deal.  They do not wish to be taken down this primrose path for the 31st time. 

“The American people want stability in their lives, security for their families, and safety in their communities.  Americans want us to stop jerking them around.  They cannot have stability in their lives when we are shipping American jobs overseas.  They cannot have security in their homes when they are fearful of getting sick.  They cannot have safety in their communities when their teachers, policemen, and firefighters are being laid off while we engage in symbolic episodes.  The American people want real action to address our real problems: job creation, deficit elimination, and debt reduction. 

“Volume verses value has been at the heart of the health care debate from the very beginning.  And this vote holds that issue in high relief.   And just as in the health care they receive, the American people prefer value over volume. 

“So let me remind my Republican colleagues, that in spite of their volume of 30 previous votes, I doubt very seriously that there is much value in this 31st vote.  I urge a no vote on this repeal and invite the Republican Majority to work with us to restore the American Dream.”


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