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Clyburn Floor Statement: House Resolution on Arizona Tragedy

WASHINGTON, DC – Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn today delivered the following statement on the House floor during debate of H.Res. 32 – Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011.

“In the book of Micah—the religion that Gabby practices—raises a question, “What did the Lord require of thee?” And the question is answered in Micah 6:8, “To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.” I cannot think of anybody who I’ve ever served with who personified that passage more than Gabby Giffords.

“In my faith, I practice that which is found in the book of Luke, the tenth chapter, where we get the story of the Good Samaritan—when the question was asked of the lawyer who wanted to know what was required to have life everlasting. In the answer, the Master said to him in addition to other things, “Love thy neighbor as thy self.”

“Gabby Giffords is our neighbor. Not just here in this body, but she is our neighbor on this great planet. Because we learn from that story that being one's neighbor is not dependent upon one's religion, nor is it dependent upon one's ethnicity. Being one’s neighbor is dependent upon whether or not we have the capacity to show compassion.

“Gabby Giffords is our neighbor and I'm pleased to honor her today.”


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