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Clyburn Floor Statement On H.R. 8, The Republican Tax Bill

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn delivered the following statement on the House floor today.

“I thank Mr. Levin for the time and for his leadership on this important issue, and I rise in strong opposition to this legislation.

“South Carolina, my home state, is home to many military institutions—Fort Jackson in Columbia, Shaw Air Force Base and the 3rd Army Headquarters in Sumter, Joint Base Charleston, Parris Island, and the Marine Air Station in Beaufort.  I proudly work to represent these military communities in Congress, and I oppose H.R. 8 because of the hurt it would visit upon middle income and military families.

“A new report out today by the Center for American Progress documents the harsh impact that H.R. 8 would have on many military families.  For example, a private in the U.S. Army in his first year of service who is married with an infant child would have a $273 tax increase under H.R. 8.  That’s real money to a young soldier.  A Marine corporal with four years of service who is married and has two children would see a tax increase of $448 under H.R. 8.   That family is already struggling to make ends meet.  And finally, Mr. Speaker, a military police sergeant in the Air Force with eight years’ service with a spouse and three young children would get a whopping tax increase of $1,118 under H.R. 8.  Mr. Speaker, these are just three examples of how the Republican bill would negatively impact our military families.”

“The Senate has already passed the middle class tax cut.  And the President has told us he will sign it.  The only thing standing in between the middle income folks and their tax cut is the Republican Leadership in this House.”

“Mr. Speaker, it is time that we work together to extend to the middle class in this society an income tax cut that is fair, that will create jobs, that will offer security to our families and stability to our communities.  I urge a vote against this bill.”


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