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Clyburn Statement On Ryan Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. House Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn released the following statement on the budget proposal released by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan today.

“I urge my colleagues in the House to reject the Ryan budget and the Republican Leadership’s misguided agenda.  Their plan would hurt America’s seniors and working families while lavishing more tax breaks for the wealthiest few and putting insurance companies back in charge of families’ health care.

“The Ryan budget would end Medicare as we know it.  The Ryan budget removes the guarantee of Medicare benefits that working people depend on after a lifetime of hard work.  The Ryan budget creates new tax breaks for the wealthiest few.  The Ryan budget breaks faith with the agreement Republican leaders made in last year’s Budget Control Act to maintain funding for essential services.  And the Ryan budget protects all Pentagon funds while putting schools, roads, and job creation on the chopping block.

“The American people have spoken loud and clear in opposition to these misguided priorities.  I urge the House to pass fair and balanced legislation to reduce our deficits in a responsible manner and invest in important priorities to build a strong middle class.”


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