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Clyburn Floor Remarks Against Partisan Legislation

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. House Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn delivered the following remarks during yesterday’s consideration of the Republican Leadership’s partisan legislation:

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this outrageously partisan and unfair bill. 

The clock is ticking, working families are worrying, and my Republican friends are playing political games. 

This bill cuts unemployment benefits for hard-working folks who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.  My home state and district contain some of the hardest hit families and communities in this country, and it is unfair to blame these folks for the economic hard times they are experiencing. 

This bill proposes drug testing for unemployed workers to draw from insurance funds they paid into.  That is unfair and insulting.   I don’t see anyone in the Republican Majority demanding drug testing for folks who receive oil and gas subsidies.

The President will veto this bill if it ever reaches his desk.  This political game Republicans continue to play is just another round of the brinksmanship we have seen time and again this year. 

We need to pass a clean extension of the payroll tax cut for working Americans. 

We need to pass a clean extension of Unemployment Insurance for those who have lost their jobs.

We need to pass a clean extension of the SGR “doc fix” so Medicare patients will know their doctors will still be there for them.

We need the Republicans in Congress to stop playing games with people’s lives.  I urge my colleagues to vote against this partisan bill.



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