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Clyburn Statement of GOP’s No Jobs Agenda

WASHINGTON, DC—Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn today delivered the following remarks on the House floor during 10 hours of debate on a resolution directing House Committees to do what they are already responsible for doing—conducting oversight. In the first five weeks of the Republican majority, none of the bills brought to floor have focused on creating jobs.

“Back when I was campaigning for Members across the country, I heard Republicans constantly talking about jobs. Despite the fact that the Democratic majority in the 111th Congress brought America back from the brink of a depression and presided over 10 straight months of private sector job growth with Republicans obstructing every step of the way, Republicans insisted they would focus on jobs, jobs, jobs. But, something must have happened to the Republicans over the holidays. Because for the full month since the opening of the 112th Congress, the Republican majority has done literally nothing to create jobs.

“Republicans have held votes on 11 bills that do things like denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions and denying security funding to the area around the United Nations building in New York. Not a single one of these votes has created a single job for a single American.

“Republicans are holding a host of committee hearings on issues like restricting access to women’s legal health services and rolling back injured patients’ legal rights. Not a single one of these hearings has created or will create a single job for a single American.

“Today, we are talking and talking about a resolution that will instruct committees to conduct oversight—which they are supposed to do no matter what. This resolution will not create a single job for a single American.

“This week, as our economic recovery is just gaining steam, the Republicans are proposing a spending bill that will curtail American innovation and clean energy and cut the number of cops on our streets. This will result in Americans losing their jobs and America being less safe and less prepared to compete in the 21st century global economy and create jobs years into the future.

“Republicans talked last year about how they would focus on jobs, but it seems that when they decide to focus on jobs at all, they are focusing on how to eliminate jobs.

“Madam Speaker, I come from a district and a state where unemployment is unacceptably high and too many people have been out of work for much too long. I honestly wish the Republican majority would focus on commonsense, pragmatic ways to create American jobs. If they decide to do this, they will find me a willing partner. But let’s stop these shenanigans like we’re seeing today.”



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